Abstract Acrylics by Waltraud Nawratil 15091

$39.99 $36.35

Learn how to combine acrylics with mixed-media techniques to create 27 expressive, abstract paintings inspired by nature.

Austrian artist Waltraud Nawratil shows you how to combine a love for nature with a passion for expressive abstract painting. The reader will learn how to use acrylics, watercolours or airbrushing, as well as natural materials such as sand, bark and leaves, to create captivating pictures full of colour and vitality.

There is a wealth of stunning abstract pieces by Waltraud which will provide inspiration for more experienced painters as well as the beginner. The book covers the variations through the seasons, teaching the reader to see the natural world with creativity and a fresh new perspective.

Size: 225x225 mm
Illustrations: 140
Pages: 112
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Product Code143383
Size225 x 225mm
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