Art Tips

Masking Fluid

Art Masking Fluid: Should I use colourless or coloured masking fluid? 

Use coloured masking fluid if you wish to easily see where it is applied on the paper - this can make it easier at ‘clean up’ time if you have a lot of small areas of masking fluid. Use colourless masking fluid if you wish it to be a little less unobtrusive while working on your painting.

- Masking fluid makes a water resistant barrier to protect your watercolour paper and preserve the white areas by blocking watercolour washes from flowing into areas you want to leave white. Masking fluid will also leave crisp, clean edges.

- Do not use on damp/wet paper. Masking fluid must be dry before painting over.

- Apply with an old brush. Wash brushes immediately after use in warm soapy water as it will dry quickly. 

- Remove as soon as possible after application. Peel off after painting is dry.
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Masking Fluid can be found on our website HERE.


Dried up watercolour paint tubes!

Don’t throw out your dried up watercolour paint tubes! You can salvage them by cutting open the tube, applying a small amount of Gum Arabic to water then using the dried tubes as pans. The water + Gum Arabic will reactivate the paint (though it will not return it to it’s liquid form). 

To keep your watercolours from drying out, make sure they are stored at room temperature (not too hot, not too cold!) & the cap is screwed on tightly with no paint in the thread on the neck. 

Happy painting!

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Gum Arabic and other Winsor & Newton mediums can be found on our website HERE.

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Masking Fluid can be found on our website HERE.